I almost feel the need to take a more critical look at Rezz's latest single considering I have fanboyed so freaking hard over her first three. Each and every single she has released so far from her debut album, ‘Mass Manipulation' have earned 5 stars from me. The production quality, originality and just down right dirtiness were sublime. ‘DRUGS!' slows things down a bit but blends a bit of an 8-bit vibe with her signature style of downtempo trip hop perfectly.
‘DRUGS!' is a complex track at all levels. I listened to it several times over considering how to review the track and each listen brought out a new piece of production which I had missed before. The tone remains ominous as we can now safely assume will be the theme for ‘Mass Manipulation' as a whole. What Rezz does with this tone goes past simple atmosphere though.
Each synth is meticulously crafted. Subtle notes are placed throughout to haunt the listener as they go on this sonic journey. Bass is used sparingly and with maximum effect, allowing for the more melodic sections to creep you out before blasting you back to reality with a jolting return to filth. Fuck it – even though I was going to try not to do it for the fourth time in a row, Rezz gets 5 stars.