Can't get that song out of your head? Today, we live in a world of instant gratification. We can order a ride to pick us up with a touch of a button, we can order food direct to our door, and we can even turn to technology to figure out the song we've been listening to.
Thanks to the on-going technological developments in our world today, music recognition software can identify songs in just a matter of seconds. While Shazam is the most well-known music recognition app, there's plenty of other ways of determine the title and artist of the song you're listening to.
Below we've listed some of our favorite ways to help you identify unknown songs. So while you may be asking “what song is this?” these songs will be able to answer just that.
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Shazam is one of the most popular apps on everyone's phones. Back in 1999, four guys decided to launch the service that can help identify music, movies, advertising, and even television shows based on a short sample played. In 2013, Shazam was labeled one of the ten most popular apps in the world. With access to identify more than 30 billion songs, Shazam is one of the most popular ways to identify songs you're not quite sure the name of.
Shazam's biggest competitor, SoundHound, offers a few features that Shazam does not. If you're driving down the freeway and hear a song you want identified, SoundHound works hands free. Just say something like “OK Hound, what song is this?” and SoundHound will begin listening to the song and identify it for you. In addition to being hands free, SoundHound actually lets you hum or sing the song you're trying to identify. The results vary, but SoundHound takes the cake on its advanced listening abilities.
Google Search
If you happen to remember some of the lyrics to the song you're trying to identify, try doing a Google Search and having search engines identify the song for you. Google will either suggest Genius or some other lyric site to help you identify the song you've been listening to.
If you are listening to a well-known DJ's live set and just so happen to like a song during his set, head over to 1001Tracklists and see if they happened to catch the song name. By crowdsourcing the input process, 1001Tracklists has been a go to for many dance music fans.
Snapchat also has the ability to identify songs playing in your surrounding area. Next time you ask “what's that song,” Snapchat uses its song finder technology for tune recognition. To identify a song make sure you have the latest version of Snapchat. Hold down on the Camera screen within Snapchat and it'll prompt Shazam to identify music playing in the background. A pop-up box will now appear with the artist, title, lyrics, audio preview, and a YouTube clip of the song.
Ok Google, Siri, and Alexa
Alesa, Google Home, and Siri can listen to you sing or hum a song. You can also ask both Alexa and Google Home who performs the song you're listening to that's currently playing. Go ahead and give it a try.
While most people use music streaming services today, there's quite a few people that still have music files on their computer or on CDs. With AudioTag, you can upload a file from your computer and have it automatically recognize the music being played. Give it a try, get out one of your old mix CDs and see if AudioTag has what it takes to help identify the song you've been trying to identify.
If you're a true music fan, you may be interested in the catalog of This website is a resource for music fans around the world to discover music through samples, cover songs, and remixes. This site will help you identify different samples in songs from some of today's most popular musicians in the world.
WatZatSong's community helps its fellow members identify certain songs. Whether you attach a sound file, record your own humming of the song, or even ask certain other members based upon the lyrics, the WatZatSong community is there to help.
Google Play's “What's This Song?”
Very similar to Shazam, the Google Play widget can help you identify songs playing near you. Once you connect the widget to your home screen, hold your phone up to the speaker and have Google Play help identify the song that is playing. If you're running Android 4.2 or higher, you can also add the widget to your lock screen, so that no unlocking is necessary.
Google Pixel 2
According to a new report, the Google Pixel 2 phone always knows what song that is. With its onboard machine learning capabilities, Google's Pixel 2 can suss out more than 10,000 different songs. Best of all, the database is stored locally so the entire recognition process requires zero interaction with Google's servers.