David Solomon is one of the most powerful people on Wall Street. As the Chief Operations Officer of Goldman Sachs, the 55-year-old has his hands more than full already. Things get stressful in the world of high finance and everyone needs a way to relax. Some people turn to copious amounts of cocaine and liquor, others take weekend trips to the islands or hit world renowned golf courses. David Solomon though does none of the above. Instead he opts to hit the decks…seriously the COO moonlights as a DJ and he's not half bad. Check out these clips from his Instagram…
Solomon has always had an appreciation for music. Over the years he saw how music streaming became big business. He watched how platforms changed from analog to digital and how dance music started to rise into the collective conscious of the mainstream. One day he just kind of tried out DJing…
“And so as that happened I started getting more and more interested in different kinds of music. Music I really didn't have a lot of experience with. And five, seven years ago, I started really kind of taking note of club and EDM music and what was happening with all the electronic music, and I said: This is really interesting. Big business. And started looking at it, and I said: You know, I like some of this music. And started playing around with it, started reading about these DJs that really had these incredible platforms, and I said: You know what? This looks interesting. And kind of stumbled into it as a hobby, and now I just do it for fun.”
David Solomon DJs about once a month at clubs and venues all around the world. It kind of brings a smile to our faces to see someone so far removed from dance music culture at his day Job, indulging in the scene and discovering all it has to offer. Solomon has a central message about his new hobby that I think we can all learn from:
“If you can't find a way to have passions and pursue those passions and mix them into your professional life and your personal life in some way, shape or form, it's just harder to have the energy to keep on doing this, and to keep moving forward professionally,”
This interview originally appeared in Business Insider.