The world turned on it's head when news of a forthcoming Marshmello and Migos announcement was announced. Now we have found details about how you can listen to it first. The collaboration is actually not going to be released as a stand alone single, but actually as part of a soundtrack. I am sure your next question is…soundtrack to what? Well would you believe me if I said the new Will Smith starring Netflix original? Well you should, cause that is in fact the answer.
‘Bright' is Netflix's latest original feature which will star The Fresh Prince as he teams up with magical creatures that get involved with the L.A. PD somehow. Just ignore the plot and focus on the music people.
The director David Ayer is no stranger to the power of music when featured correctly. He saw how a soundtrack can elevate a movie with the commercial success of Suicide Squad despite getting panned critically. The soundtrack for Bright will drop on Wednesday, December 13. You can Pre-Order the album here so you can hear the track first when it drops in exactly once month from today. But of course you wanna hear a little bit of it now right? Well check out the clip in this video below